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patient experience data

Breast Cancer by the Numbers
Infographic – Breast Cancer by The Numbers Resources

Infographic – Breast Cancer by The Numbers

By collecting this information, Carevive is creating an awareness of the wide variety of concerns that patients with breast cancer have as they begin treatment. Providing these important data to clinicians helps to reinforce that each patient may have a set of data that makes their situation truly unique so that therapy can be provided accordingly. Breast cancer by numbers.…
October 27, 2022
Oncology Care First Model (OCF)
Oncology Care First Model (OCF) and Its Impact on the Oncology Market Place In The News

Oncology Care First Model (OCF) and Its Impact on the Oncology Market Place

Carevive is aligned with and strongly supports CMS’ announcement of the OCF Model as this will benefit patients and improve care.  We believe unequivocally this program provides an invaluable opportunity for U.S.-based cancer programs to transform their practice in delivering better quality, patient-centered, value-based care.
Madelyn Herzfeld
May 21, 2020