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multiple myeloma

Impact of a Brief Touchscreen Based, Modified Geriatric Assessment (mGA) on the Care of Older Adults with Multiple Myeloma
Impact of a Brief Touchscreen Based, Modified Geriatric Assessment (mGA) on the Care of Older Adults with Multiple Myeloma PostersResources

Impact of a Brief Touchscreen Based, Modified Geriatric Assessment (mGA) on the Care of Older Adults with Multiple Myeloma

The Carevive team along with investigators from City of Hope, Rochester University, University of Arizona, and Mt Sinai are presenting a poster at the 59th ASH annual meeting, "Impact of a Brief Touchscreen Based, Modified Geriatric Assessment (mGA) on the Care of Older Adults with Multiple Myeloma". The purpose of the study was to test the feasibility of conducting a…
November 27, 2017
Integrating a Touchscreen-Based Assessment and Screening Tool for Adults With Multiple Myeloma
Poster Presentation – Integrating a Touchscreen-Based Assessment and Screening Tool for Adults With Multiple Myeloma Posters

Poster Presentation – Integrating a Touchscreen-Based Assessment and Screening Tool for Adults With Multiple Myeloma

Integrating a Touchscreen-Based Assessment and Screening Tool for Adults With Multiple Myeloma Authors: Tanya M. Wildes, MD1; Carrie T. Stricker, PhD, RN2; William Dudley, PhD3; Diana Harris, MBe, PhD2; Nitya Nathwani, MD4; Donna Catamero, NP5; Sandra Kurtin, RN, MS, AOCN, ANP-C6; Arti Hurria, MD4 1Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis, MO); 2Carevive Systems, Inc. (Miami, FL); 3Piedmont Research Solutions…
December 9, 2016
Patient Reported Symptoms, Concerns and Provider Intervention in Patients with Multiple Myeloma
JADPRO LIVE at APSHO Poster Presentation on Patient-Reported Symptoms Posters

JADPRO LIVE at APSHO Poster Presentation on Patient-Reported Symptoms

Patient Reported Symptoms, Concerns and Provider Intervention in Patients with Multiple Myeloma BethFaiman,PhD,CRNP1; PaulJacobsen,PhD2; GregoryGarber,MSW,LCSW3; Alyssa M. Cadman, BSW3; Stephanie Chapman, RN3; Nadia Still, DNP, RN4; SarahLena Panzer, BS4; Karen Hammelef, DNP, RN4; Carrie Stricker, PhD, RN4 , Rachid Baz, MD2 1Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Cleveland, OH); 2Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, FL); 3Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia,…
November 21, 2015