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Patient Reported Symptoms, Concerns and Provider Intervention in Patients with Multiple Myeloma
JADPRO LIVE at APSHO Poster Presentation on Patient-Reported Symptoms Posters

JADPRO LIVE at APSHO Poster Presentation on Patient-Reported Symptoms

Patient Reported Symptoms, Concerns and Provider Intervention in Patients with Multiple Myeloma BethFaiman,PhD,CRNP1; PaulJacobsen,PhD2; GregoryGarber,MSW,LCSW3; Alyssa M. Cadman, BSW3; Stephanie Chapman, RN3; Nadia Still, DNP, RN4; SarahLena Panzer, BS4; Karen Hammelef, DNP, RN4; Carrie Stricker, PhD, RN4 , Rachid Baz, MD2 1Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Cleveland, OH); 2Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, FL); 3Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia,…
November 21, 2015
Poster Presentation: Survivorship Care Plans: Strategies to Enhance Patient Utility and Value
JADPRO LIVE at APSHO Poster Presentation on Survivorship Posters

JADPRO LIVE at APSHO Poster Presentation on Survivorship

Survivorship Care Plans: Strategies to Enhance Patient Utility and Value Deb Walker, APRN1; Carrie Stricker, PhD, RN2; Amanda Katzman, MSW1; Karen Hammelef, DNP, RN2; SarahLena Panzer, BS2; Ellen Dornelas, PhD1 1Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Cleveland, OH); 2Carevive Systems, Inc. (Miami, FL) Background A decade ago the Institute of Medicine recommended that every survivor receive a survivor care plan (SCP) yet despite…
November 21, 2015