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Ethan Basch, MD, MSc Director, Cancer Outcomes Research Program; Professor, Medicine and Public Health UNC-Chapel Hill Cancer Prevention and Control
Carevive to be Featured in Ethan Basch PCORI Patient-Reported Outcomes Grant In The News

Carevive to be Featured in Ethan Basch PCORI Patient-Reported Outcomes Grant

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has awarded Ethan Basch, MD, MSc, a $5.45 million grant to support research into whether there are clinical benefits of having people with cancer self-report their symptoms while undergoing treatment. The project, titled Electronic Patient Reporting of Symptoms during Outpatient Cancer Treatment: A US National Randomized Controlled Trial and will run for a span…
August 24, 2016
Patient Voices on #CTalk: Don’t Do Things To Me, Create a Plan With Me
Patient Voices on #CTalk: What Matters Most In The News

Patient Voices on #CTalk: What Matters Most

It’s no secret I’m a bit of a healthcare social media evangelist. As clinicians, I think it’s essential that we develop digital competency, embrace social tools and participate in conversations online. Why? Because it’s where patients and caregivers are. One of my favorite social tools I have integrated into my nursing practice is Twitter. On this platform, I can: Connect…
Carol Bush
November 4, 2015